While that new Superman looks ridiculous so far, albeit I’ve only seen still photos, the newest incarnation of Spider-Man looks… wait for it… AMAZING!
I lost all hope for a great Spider-Man movie after witnessing the first Tobey Maguire film in the theater.
Sam Raimi tried very hard to make it great, and it looked spectacular. It even had a fantastic cast! But it didn’t have the heart of the Spider-Man comics. Too many elements were changed, or at least bent, to fit their needs for the movie.
But from what I see in the newly-released trailer, THIS is the ULTIMATE Spider-Man!
Finally, I will see the sweet Gwen Stacy and her father the way they should be. Uncle Ben and Aunt May are there! And last, but not least… Dr. Curtis Connors…THE LIZARD!!!
I had zero interest in seeing yet another reboot of a movie that was made in the past 10 years. I’ve had it with all these re-imaginations! Not that some haven’t been wonderful, I just don’t have the time to invest my emotions in multiple versions of the same stories.
Something in this one has changed me…!
This looks to me to be THE Spider-Man that Stan Lee and Steve Ditko envisioned 50 years ago!
Please watch and enjoy…
Amazing Comments and Emails… Tiberius@Podwits.com