For those of you who listen to “The Podwits Podcast” on a mobile device, rejoice for what you have as the Podwits 2 (Big Buck You-Know-What Hat was trapped in a remote location and unable to attend the recording) take a trip down Memory Lane at the way cell phones USED TO BE! And is […]
Archive for September, 2012
Repent While You Can!
Posted: 29th September 2012 by Podwits Administrator in Food, History, PodcastTags: Bacon, Cadillac, Car phones, Cell phones, Food, iPhone, Lexus, Motorola Krazr, Motorola Micro-Tac, Motorola Razr, Oldsmobile, Samsung Galaxy SIII
How the Remakes Stack Up- Part 1: Cape Fear
Posted: 27th September 2012 by Dion in Film, Film ReviewTags: Alfred Hitchcock, Bernard Hermann, Cape Fear, Charles Laughton, Elmer Berstein, Gregory Peck, Illeana Douglas, J. Lee Thompson, Jessica Lange, Juliette Lewis, Martin Balsam, Martin Scorsese, Remakes, Robert DeNiro, Robert Mitchum, Telly Savalas, The Night of the Hunter, Torn Curtain
With Halloween just around the corner, my wife and I are starting our annual horror festival, where we watch a bunch of scary movies to usher in October 31st (we tend to do this for a lot of the holidays, which can be a boat-load of fun!). But this got me thinking- there are a ton, and […]
Seduction of the Idiotic
Posted: 22nd September 2012 by Podwits Administrator in PodcastTags: Adult Chocolate Milk, Avengers vs. X-Men, Charlie Bucket, Frederick Wertham, Hays Code, James Cagney, Mr. Sleep, Nestlé, RFID, Stephen King, Superman, Willy Wonka
In part two of the Podwits’ in-depth examination of the Glen A. Larson oeuvre, we dissect Manimal and Automan… naaaaah, just kiddin’. This week the boys talk about the time the infamous Dr. Frederick Wertham made the mistake of taking on Superman, and J’s drinking… something… called “adult chocolate milk.” We’re not sure we want to know. But […]
Facing Childhood Fears: Revisiting John Carpenter’s Assault on Precinct 13
Posted: 21st September 2012 by Dion in Film, Film ReviewTags: Assault on Precinct 13, George C Scott, George Romero, Gregory Peck, Halloween, Howard Hawks, John Carpenter, Kim Richards, Night of the Living Dead, Quentin Tarantino, Rage, Rio Bravo, Sorcerer, The Boys From Brazil, The Fog, The Last Man on Earth, The Thing, Vincent Price, William Friedkin
It’s interesting what images stay with you from childhood, still crisp as the day they were viewed. I know like most kids growing up, in what sadly seems already like another time, I was exposed to a lot of television and film at a very early age, which made me into what I am today […]
This weekend, Doctor Who aired it’s third episode of the fall season, “A Town Called Mercy.” Much like last week’s “Dinosaurs on a Spaceship,” this week’s episode has that one iconic image/hook: A gun-slinging cyborg. DO NOT READ AHEAD IF YOU HAVE NOT SEEN THIS EPISODE YET!
Pod People in the Place (aka “Knight Ridin'”)
Posted: 15th September 2012 by Podwits Administrator in PodcastTags: Airwolf, All Things Must Pass, Back To The Future, Battlestar Galactica, Blue Thunder, David Hasselhoff, Ernest Borgnine, Flash Gordon, George Harrison, Germany, Indian Dunes, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Jon Landis, Kermit the Frog, Knight Rider, Streethawks, Stu Phillips, The Beatles, The Doors, The Dukes of Hazzard, Vic Morrow
Dion is back after his two tours in the political-convention wars, and the crew quickly set their sights on revisiting the 1980’s series Knight Rider, in light of the 1st Annual Knight Rider Convention to be held at the beginning of October, celebrating the show’s 30th anniversary. The boys somehow, by way of Vic Morrow […]

The Rigante: Like History, Only Better!
Posted: 13th September 2012 by Brian in Books, Escape VelocityTags: Connavar, Crypto-historical, David Gemmell, Keltoi, Midnight Falcon, Morrigu, Ravenheart, Rigante, Seidh, Stormrider, Sword in the Storm, Varlish
Every other Thursday, Brian goes out of this world, waxing recommendatious on great reading that will transport you to fantastic, far-away worlds and times. Looking to escape? Escape Velocity is your bi-weekly ticket! Within the world of science fiction and fantasy, possibly my favorite little sub-sub-genre is one I recently decided to call the crypto-historical. Most usually […]
“Dinosaurs on a Spaceship” – The Romp That Refreshes
Posted: 10th September 2012 by Brian in Doctor Who, Recap, TelevisionOne of the often-cited strengths of Doctor Who as a series is the flexibility of its concept—when your one permanent concept is an alien do-gooder with a time-and-space machine shaped like a police box, well, there’s not a whole lot you can’t do with that. Mostly, people refer to this wide-open imaginative potential when the show […]
Oh Fudge… What to Make of the A Christmas Story 2 Trailer…
Posted: 9th September 2012 by Dion in Christmas, Film, Up on The Soap BoxTags: A Christmas Story, A Christmas Story 2, Bob Clark, Daniel Stern, Darren McGavin, Peter Billingsley
I’m really at a loss for words on what to say after viewing the new trailer for the “Official Sequel” to the 1983 classic A Christmas Story. I want to be gung-ho for A Christmas Story 2, but it really seems to be pandering to the fans out there, only trying to capitalize on the glory […]
You’ve Gotta Fight… For Your Right…
Posted: 8th September 2012 by Podwits Administrator in Doctor Who, Music, Podcast, Science FictionTags: Bruce Willis, Censorship, Copyright, Doctor Who, Hugo Awards, mp3, Music, Neil Gaiman, Robots, Science Fiction, TV
As the Podwits’ “World Without Dion” storyline comes to its epic conclusion, Brian and J. find themselves struggling in a wasteland without their beloved friend. Will Dion ever come back? Meanwhile, the remaining two Podwits ponder just what it means when you “buy” media online… and gasp at the horror of science fiction fans attacked […]