Yorkshire Girl and I were lucky enough to attend the Clint Eastwood installment of the Director’s Series at this year’s Tribeca Film Festival. After the theatrical premiere of the new documentary Eastwood Directs: The Untold Story, which discussed Eastwood as a director, a Q&A was held immediately afterward with Mr. Eastwood, which was moderated by director […]
Archive for April, 2013
Eastwood at Tribeca
Posted: 30th April 2013 by Dion in Film, Film Review, NewsTags: Akira Kurosawa, Breezy, Clint Eastwood, Darren Aronofsky, Eastwood Directs: The Untold Story, Fatal Attraction, Fistful of Dollars, Lolita, Play Misty For Me, Richard Schickel, Sergio Leone, The Eiger Sanction, Tribeca Film Festival, William Holden, Yojimbo
I Always Feel Like Somebody’s Watching Me…
Posted: 27th April 2013 by Podwits Administrator in PodcastTags: Almax, Autons, Boardwalk Empire, Catherine Tate, EyeSee, Marlon Brando, Nestene, Orphan Black, Real Genius, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Terra Nova, The Following, The Wire, Twilight Zone, Val Kilmer
…which is ridiculous, because we’re a podcast! A podcast about the baleful influence of Marlon Brando on Val Kilmer’s career, the creepy mannequins watching your every move while you shop (in Europe, at least), all the Canadian sci-fi shows that have recently won Brian and J’s hearts, and how we decide whether or not to […]
All Roads Lead To The Hoff!
Posted: 20th April 2013 by Podwits Administrator in Film, PodcastTags: Ballistic City, DC Comics, Joseph Kosinski, Joss Whedon, Man of Steel, Marvel Comics, Star Trek Into Darkness, Superman, The Avengers
After a brief trip to the Twlight-Zone that is NPR, the boys are back on form in a brand-new podcast designed to titillate your ears and warm your senses. The Podwits are introspective this week, looking to the future of their beloved genre offerings and striving to see if they will ever truly find genre […]
The Man of Steel at 75
Posted: 18th April 2013 by Brian in Comic BooksTags: Action Comics, Jerry Siegel, Joe Shuster, Superman
Before it happened, it probably seemed like just another dime-mag debut. But while National Allied Publications might not have realized it, when they released Action Comics #1 on April 18, 1938—seventy-five years ago today—they changed the world. Because right at the top, before stories about Zatara the Master Magician, Pep’ Morgan, and Tex Thompson (among many […]
Side-Casts: The Decline of the Horror Convention Part 1
Posted: 17th April 2013 by Podwits Administrator in Podcast, Side-CastsTags: 52 Pick Up, Anchor Bay, Andrew Divoff, Blue Underground, Burt Reynolds, Casino, Chiller Theater, Dario Argento, Dawn of the Dead, Day of the Dead, Ed Begley Jr., Elijah Wood, Fangoria, Friday the 13th, George C Scott, George Romero, Hardcore, Harvey Keital, Horror Conventions, Inherit the Wind, Jake LaMotta, Joe Bob Briggs, Joe Spinell, John Glover, Kane Hodder, Knightriders, Leon, Lucio Fulci, Maniac, Martin, Martin Scorsese, Monster Vision, Night of the Living Dead, Peter Boyle, Raging Bull, Randy Jurgensen, Shamus, Sherman Howard, Side-Cast, Sidecast, Tales From the Crypt, The Professional, The Warriors, Tom Savini, Toy Soldiers, Two Evil Eyes, Walter Hill, William Lustig, William Sadler, Wishmaster
Dion debuts The Podwits’ brand new spin-off, called Side-Casts; a series of podcasts that will be done with various contributors, by various Podwits members. In Part 1 of Dion’s 3-part debut special, he and contributor J. Blake discuss the decade-long decline of horror conventions, and also reminisce about various legendary, but seldom-seen masterpieces (most horror, but others skirt the line) that […]

Stan Lee and the Podwits: A Q&A EXCLUSIVE
Posted: 16th April 2013 by Dion in Celebrities, Comic Books, News, Podwits Exclusive, The Comic SpinnerTags: Batman, Boris Karloff, Captain Blood, Daredevil, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Errol Flynn, Frankenstein, Galactus, Iron Man, Jack Kirby, Jim Starlin, Marvel Comics, Professor Xavier, Robin Hood, Sherlock Holmes, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Spider-Man, Stan Lee, Steve Ditko, Storm, Sub-Mariner, Superman, The Avengers, The Fantastic Four, The Hardy Boys, The Heap, The Human Torch, The Incredible Hulk, The Silver Surfer, The Thing, Thor, Wolverine, X-Men, X-Men First Class
“Welcome True Believers!” I recently had the luck to travel over to Los Angeles with Podwits contributor J. Blake on what proved to be one of the most exciting, and rewarding trips that I have ever had the pleasure to enjoy. The bulk of that is due to the GREAT content we were able to gather and will be […]
Any Given Story
Posted: 13th April 2013 by Podwits Administrator in PodcastTags: 61*, Any Given Sunday, Assault on Precinct 13, Big Trouble in Little China, Billy Crystal, Brisco County Jr., Bruce Campbell, Bubba Ho-tep, Bull Durham, City Slickers, Cornered, Daniel Stern, Debi Mazar, Eight Men Out, Fairuza Balk, Field of Dreams, Gary Busey, Hoosiers, Hostel, In the Mouth of Madness, Jack of All Trades, John Carpenter, John Cusack, Lori Petty, Major League, Martyrs, Memoirs of an Invisible Man, Natural Born Killers, Nightmare on Elm Street, Oliver Stone, Rookie of the Year, Rudy, Sam Raimi, Saw, Scream, Slap Shot, Tank Girl, Ted Raimi, The Cutting Edge, The Evil Dead, The Evil Dead II, The Factory, The Fog, The Natural, The Orphanage, The Quick and the Dead, Tim Burton, Wes Craven, Xena: Warrior Princess
J, Brian and Dion cover a lot of ground this week, jumping from their love of anything Bruce Campbell, to (of all things!) sports films, and then round out the talk with a spirited debate on horror films. Are we out of our comfort zones this week? Has Dion ever seen a single sports film? […]
Indiana Who and the Temple of Akhaten
Posted: 12th April 2013 by J. Marcus in Doctor Who, Television, Watching the DoctorTags: Jenna-Louise Coleman, Matt Smith, Season 7.5, The Rings of Akhaten
If the first episode of Doctor Who‘s season 7.5 was a James Bond-esque adventure, the second episode, “The Rings of Akhaten” can best be described as Who-meets-Indiana Jones. Before I explain, let me first state that this episode was, in my humble opinion (yes, there are those of us who still spell that out), a […]
Strolling Along with The Walking Dead
Posted: 11th April 2013 by Podwits Administrator in Podcast, TelevisionTags: Dawn of the Dead, Day of the Dead, Frank Darabont, George Romero, Night of the Living Dead, Robert Kirkman, The Walking Dead, Zombie
“When Hell is full, the Dead will walk the Earth…” Brian and Dion take a stab at season 3 of The Walking Dead, and discuss the highlights of the prior two seasons, as well as its comic book origins. Get you zombie bug-out bag ready and make sure the SUV is gassed up, because the […]
Music/History: Miles Davis at Lincoln Center, 1964
Posted: 10th April 2013 by Brian in Music, Music Review, Notes & ChordsTags: Four & More, George Coleman, Herbie Hancock, Lincoln Center, Miles Davis, My Funny Valentine, Ron Carter, Tony Williams
I love live jazz recordings. So much of jazz happens in the moment, as musicians bounce improvised ideas off each other and, in the best circumstances, push each other collaboratively to ever greater heights of creativity and expression. The way that a live record can capture that moment, preserve those extemporaneous musical thoughts for all […]