It’s International TableTop Day, a day to celebrate tabletop gaming in all its myriad awesome forms. Brian and J. have gotten into the spirit, and for your viewing enjoyment they have faced off in a game of WizKids Games’ amazing Star Trek: Fleet Captains: Enjoy our video of this crazy fun game, and when you’re done, go play some games!
Archive for the ‘Games’ Category
VIDEO: Star Trek: Fleet Captains for International TableTop Day!
Posted: 11th April 2015 by Podwits Administrator in Games, VideoTags: Games, Klingons, Star Trek, Star Trek: Fleet Captains, Tabletop
On the Lam, While Warming the Cockles…
Posted: 14th February 2015 by Podwits Administrator in Art, Beer, Celebrities, Games, History, Music, Music Review, News, Podcast, Recap, Technology, Television, The Comic Spinner, Up on The Soap BoxTags: Beck, Billy Zane, Douglas Adams, FXX, Game of Thrones, Garbage, Grammys, Harry Potter, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Kanye West, Lord of the Rings, Marvel, Matt Garrison, Old Ox Brewery, Paul McCartney, Philadelphis Union, Red Bull, Red Eagle Entertainment, Robert Jordan, Roger Corman's The Fantastic Four, Sheri Manson, soccer, Sony Pictures, Spiderman, The Beatles, The Fantastic, Wheel of Time, Winter Dragon, X-Men
This week finds the boys on the run, after an ill-advised attempt to play John Dillinger and Pretty Boy Floyd, now recording their podcast from their current hideout, a waste-basket cabinet at a local Manhattan eatery. They briefly try to dissect whatever you want to call the latest act of buffoonery by Kanye West at this year’s Grammy […]
Two Old Farts
Posted: 13th September 2014 by Podwits Administrator in Games, PodcastTags: Back To The Future, Board Game, Commercials, Elderly, Insurance, Operation, Richard Kiel
In this week’s edition of “The Podwits Podcast”, Brian is missing and J. is transmitting from the secret underground bunker known as Camp Niven, but that doesn’t stop him from putting on his grumpy pants and engaging in a little game known as “In My Day” with his good pal, octogenarian Dion Baia. As the two […]
The Podwits Pocket guide to Camping and Fishing
Posted: 7th June 2014 by Podwits Administrator in A Case of the Munchies, Art, Books, Celebrities, Electronics, Film, Film Review, Food, Games, History, Housekeeping, Literature, News, Podcast, Technology, Television, Up on The Soap BoxTags: camping, Coleman, Disasters, DIY Projects, Friday the 13th, Friday the 13th The Series, H.P. Lovecraft, Herbert West–Reanimator, hunting, McDonalds, Preppers, science, The Dark Side, The Reanimator, The Walking Dead
The Podwits are in the weeds this week- literally! After debating the merits of preservatives, the boys go on about hunting, camping, DIY home projects, and doing manly things to help reinforce their fragile egos and prove they are still in fact MEN! Keep their fire going and download the podcast today! Footnotes: 1970’s Las Vegas Home bomb […]

Star Trek Text Game For The 21st Century!
Posted: 28th June 2012 by J. Marcus in Games, Science Fiction, Software ReviewTags: iOS, iPad, iPhone, iPod, Star Trek
As a Star Trek fan growing up in the ’80s, I didn’t get a lot of love in my youth as far as video games were concerned. When I was very young, I got to play the Star Trek Bridge Simulator for the Atari 2600. By the mid-’80s, I got my first computer, an Apple IIc. When I […]
Superman Is Gaming Kryptonite
Posted: 20th April 2012 by J. Marcus in GamesTags: Atari, DC Universe Online, NES, Playstation, SNES, Superman
This article was originally featured on and has been republished with permission from the site’s owner. Please visit Kuma Kreations Entertainment! As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be Superman. Those of you who are as old as I am can remember the really terrible Superman costumes that you could […]
Boardgame Review: Carcassonne
Posted: 22nd January 2012 by Brian in Game Review, GamesTags: Carcassonne, Eurogames, German-style boardgames, Klaus-Jürgen Wrede
Say the words “game” and “gaming” and most people these days will think about controllers and consoles and periodic downloadable content updates. But it wasn’t all that long ago that the default definition for those words was the good old fashioned boardgame. Coming from a pretty tight-knit family with a passion for mentally stimulating pastimes, […]