This week finds the boys on the run, after an ill-advised attempt to play John Dillinger and Pretty Boy Floyd, now recording their podcast from their current hideout, a waste-basket cabinet at a local Manhattan eatery. They briefly try to dissect whatever you want to call the latest act of buffoonery by Kanye West at this year’s Grammy […]
Archive for the ‘The Comic Spinner’ Category
On the Lam, While Warming the Cockles…
Posted: 14th February 2015 by Podwits Administrator in Art, Beer, Celebrities, Games, History, Music, Music Review, News, Podcast, Recap, Technology, Television, The Comic Spinner, Up on The Soap BoxTags: Beck, Billy Zane, Douglas Adams, FXX, Game of Thrones, Garbage, Grammys, Harry Potter, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Kanye West, Lord of the Rings, Marvel, Matt Garrison, Old Ox Brewery, Paul McCartney, Philadelphis Union, Red Bull, Red Eagle Entertainment, Robert Jordan, Roger Corman's The Fantastic Four, Sheri Manson, soccer, Sony Pictures, Spiderman, The Beatles, The Fantastic, Wheel of Time, Winter Dragon, X-Men
The Six Degrees of Vincent Price (aka Our Love for Clark Gregg)
Posted: 31st May 2014 by Podwits Administrator in Celebrities, Ernest Borgnine, Film, Film Review, History, Music, News, Podcast, Podwits Exclusive, Science Fiction, Television, The Comic SpinnerTags: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Agents of Shield, Albert Brooks, Bill Cosby, Bill Paxton, Brad Dourif, Brian Jones, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Clark Gregg, Daredevil, Dead Heat, Hank Williams, Joe Piscopo, Keye Luke, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel Comics, Muscle Men, Netflix, The Punisher, The Rolling Stones, Vincent Price, Wiseguys
The lads are back for an exciting, invigorating, and sensational edition of the Podwits Podcast! The band is back together and boy do they have a lot to catch up on! Dion talks about a recent chat with actor Joe Piscopo which leads into discuss (or debate) for their love of the cult classic Dead Heat; Brian brings […]

Batman at 75 Part II!
Posted: 10th May 2014 by Podwits Administrator in Books, Cartoons, Comic Books, Film, Film Review, History, Literature, Podcast, Side-Casts, Television, The Comic SpinnerTags: A Death in the Family, Adam West, American Psycho, Bane, Batman, Batman Begins, Batman Beyond, Batman TV series, Batman: The Animated Series, Bill Dozier, Bill Finger, Bob Kane, Bruce Timm, Charles Bronson, Christian Bale, Christopher Nolan, D.C. Comics, Darwyn Cooke, Dean Kain, Deathwish, Dick Tracy, Dylan Baker, Heath Ledger, J.J. Abrams, Jack Nicholson, Joel Schumacher, Kevin Conroy, Matt Garrison, Michael Keaton, Patchwork, Peter Weller, Remakes, Robin, Sam Raimi, Sherlock Holmes, Side-Cast, Sidecast, Spiderman, Stan Lee, Star Trek, Superman, The Dark Knight, The Dark Knight Rises, The Dark Knight Trilogy, The New 52, The Punisher, The Rocketeer, The Shadow, Tim Burton
The Podwits bring your Part II of their Side Cast special exploring Batman’s 75th anniversary! Dion and contributor J. Blake continue on with memories of the Caped Crusader, and get into Tim Burton’s franchise versus Christopher Nolan’s, and also bring up what is going on the small screen by way of the amazing animated films D.C. Comics have been putting […]
BATMAN at 75!
Posted: 4th May 2014 by Podwits Administrator in Cartoons, Celebrities, Comic Books, Film, Film Review, History, Podcast, Recap, Side-Casts, Technology, Television, The Comic Spinner, ToysTags: A Death in the Family, Adam West, Alan Moore, Alex Ross, Anton Furst, Batgirl, Batman, Batman (1966), Batman 66, Batman Beyond, Batman Returns, Batman TV series, Batman: Mask of the Phantasm, Batman: The Animated Series, Batman: The Dark Knight Collection, Batman: Year One, Bill Dozier, Bill Finger, Bob Hoskins, Bob Kane, Brad Dourif, Christopher Nolan, Comic Books, D.C. Comics, Dennis O'Neal, Dick Tracy, Disney, Frank Miller, From Here to Eternity, G.I.Joe, George Reeves, Heath Ledger, Jack Nicholson, Legends of the Superheroes, Mark Hamill, Matt Garrison, Max Allan Collins, Michael Keaton, Neil Adams, Norman Saunders, Olan Soule, Patchwork, Paul Williams, Robin, Robin Williams, Scooby Doo, Shirley Walker, Side-Cast, Sidecast, Superman, The Joker, The Killing Joke, The Phantom, The Rocketeer, The Shadow, The Transformers, Tim Burton, William Sanderson
To celebrate the 75th anniversary of Batman, The Podwits deliver a special edition of the Side Cast! Dion and contributor J. Blake celebrate the history of the character by sharing their memories and speak about the history, which leads into some very interesting topics: The various incarnations from comic, to small and then silver screen; […]
Reading Marvel in the ’60s, Part 2: Stan & Jack Re-evaluated
Posted: 11th June 2013 by Brian in Comic Books, The Comic SpinnerTags: Fantastic Four, Jack Kirby, Joe Sinnott, Marvel Comics, Stan Lee, Tales of Asgard, Thor, Vince Colletta
I know now that it was the summer of 1965 when it all changed. As a matter of fact, I can point to the one exact panel that, I believe, truly began the five-year reign of Stan “the Man” Lee and Jack “King” Kirby as unchallenged champions of the superhero comic world. But let me back […]
Stan Lee and the Podwits: A Q&A EXCLUSIVE
Posted: 16th April 2013 by Dion in Celebrities, Comic Books, News, Podwits Exclusive, The Comic SpinnerTags: Batman, Boris Karloff, Captain Blood, Daredevil, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Errol Flynn, Frankenstein, Galactus, Iron Man, Jack Kirby, Jim Starlin, Marvel Comics, Professor Xavier, Robin Hood, Sherlock Holmes, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Spider-Man, Stan Lee, Steve Ditko, Storm, Sub-Mariner, Superman, The Avengers, The Fantastic Four, The Hardy Boys, The Heap, The Human Torch, The Incredible Hulk, The Silver Surfer, The Thing, Thor, Wolverine, X-Men, X-Men First Class
“Welcome True Believers!” I recently had the luck to travel over to Los Angeles with Podwits contributor J. Blake on what proved to be one of the most exciting, and rewarding trips that I have ever had the pleasure to enjoy. The bulk of that is due to the GREAT content we were able to gather and will be […]
Readers in Paradise: The Wonderful Terry Moore
Posted: 20th November 2012 by Brian in Comic Books, The Comic SpinnerTags: Echo, Rachel Rising, Strangers in Paradise, Terry Moore
Terry Moore deserves some kind of award. No, not the kind you win for making amazing comic books. He’s already won a couple of those. No, I mean he needs an award named after him, an award for skillfully telling addictively entertaining stories in serialized graphic form, stories featuring beautiful, empowered women, stories entirely outside […]
Look… Up In The Sky!
Posted: 6th November 2012 by J. Marcus in Comic Books, The Comic SpinnerTags: Action Comics, Al Plastino, Bob McCloed, Brett Breeding, Crisis on Infinite Earths, Dan Jurgens, DC Comics, Denny O'Neill, Dick Sprang, George Perez, Jerry Ordway, John Byrne, Karl Kessel, Kerry Gammill, Roger Stern, Superman, The New 52, Wayne Boring
This edition of “The Comic Spinner” is guest-written by the Podwits’ own J. Marcus. Please feel free to forward all your complaints to him! With all the on-and-on I have been doing this past year on, Brian has been kind enough to ask me to answer a simple question regarding my favorite comic book […]
The Wonderfully Mad World of Captain Britain, Part 1
Posted: 31st July 2012 by Brian in Comic Books, The Comic SpinnerTags: Alan Davis, Alan Moore, Captain Britain, Chris Claremont, Dave Thorpe, Jamie Delano, Marvel UK, Meggan, Opal Luna Saturnyne
Join Brian every other Tuesday as he talks comic books from a reader’s perspective, both his new experiences with the medium and reflections on over thirty years of enjoying the finest in sequential art. In 1989, when I was at the height of my teenaged X-Men fandom, I discovered a slightly different flavor of X-book. […]
When Comic Books Saved Science Fiction
Posted: 17th July 2012 by Brian in Comic Books, Science Fiction, The Comic SpinnerTags: Avengers, Eternals, Fantastic Four, Fourth World, Jack Kirby, New Wave SF, Roy Thomas, Thor
Join Brian every other Tuesday as he talks comic books from a reader’s perspective, both his new experiences with the medium and reflections on over thirty years of enjoying the finest in sequential art. I’ve made no secret of the fact I’m not a fan of “New Wave” science fiction. Don’t get me wrong, the […]