LOVE… HATE… EXCITEMENT… REVULSION… DESIRE… EMPTINESS… THIS WEEK… TWO PODWITS… GO ON A JOURNEY… THAT WILL LEAVE YOU BREATHLESS! The Podwits Podcast Two men travel the Internet. What will they find? Enlightenment? Heartache? A senses-shattering podcast you’ll have to hear to believe! The Podwits Podcast, playing now on PODWITS.COM, iTunes, PodDroid and an mp3 player […]
Posts Tagged ‘Arnold Schwarzenegger’
Trailing The Teasers
Posted: 6th December 2014 by Podwits Administrator in Film, PodcastTags: Arnold Schwarzenegger, George Lucas, James Cameron, JJ Abrams, Jurassic World, Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, Star Wars, Superman: The Movie, Terminator, Terminator Genisys
“Drama is Universal, Comedy is Personal”
Posted: 29th March 2014 by Podwits Administrator in Art, Celebrities, Film, Film Review, History, Literature, News, Podcast, TelevisionTags: A Fish Called Wanda, A Philadelphia Story, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Arsenic and Old Lace, Black Dynamite, Burt Reynolds, Caddyshack, Cary Grant, Comicbooks, Dr. Strangelove, Four-Color Fanboys, Galaxy Quest, Ghostbusters, Hercules in New York, His Girl Friday, Humphrey Bogart, Ireland, Ivan Reitman, Jack Benny, Jackie Gleason, Little Feat, Max Headroom, Mr. Moto, Mr. Moto takes a Vacation, My Cousin Vinny, Napoleon Dynamite, Noah, Peter Lorre, Ralph Bellamy, Roddy Doyle, Sabotage, Smokey and the Bandit, Stanley Kubrick, Stanley Kurbrick, Stephen D Youngkin, Stripes, Terminator, Terminator: Genesis, The Big Lebowski, The Blues Brothers, The Commitments, The Greatest Story Ever Told, The Lego Movie, The Long Goodbye, The Lost One, The Muppet Movie, The Passion of the Christ, The Robe, The Sandlot, Vincent Price
…His name was Laszlo Lowenstein… In this brand-spankin’ new edition of The Podwits Podcast, the boys are talking movies, and more specifically, their favorite comedies. What do they find funny? What do they think (in their HUMBLE opinion) was a miss? And what the heck is up with Arnold Schwarzenegger giving away spoilers for all his […]

Side-Cast: Adventures in Time
Posted: 11th September 2013 by Podwits Administrator in Podcast, Side-CastsTags: 12 Monkeys, Army of Darkness, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Austin Powers, Back To The Future, Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, Blade Runner, Bruce Willis, Cheers, Christopher Lloyd, Christopher Plummer, City on the Edge of Forever, Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, David Warner, Dead Ringers, Demolition Man, Disney, Donnie Darko, Forever Young, Groundhog Day, H.G. Wells, Harlan Ellison, Hot Tub Time Machine, James Cameron, Jeremy Irons, Joseph-Gordon Levitt, Jules Verne, la jetee, Lance Henriksen, Looper, Mad Max, Michael J. Fox, Moon, Mr. Boogedy, My Science Experiment, Oz the Great and Powerful, Peggy Sue Got Married, Planet of the Apes, Post Apocalyptic, Primer, Quantum Leap, Ray Bradbury, Richard Matheson, Robert Zemeckis, Rod Serling, Sam Raimi, Shelley Long, Side-Cast, Sidecast, Somewhere in Time, Star Trek, The Butterfly Effect, The Final Countdown, The Flight of the Navigator, The Jacket, The Seventh Seal, the terminator, The Time Machine, The Time Traveler's Wife, The Twilight Zone, Time After Time, Time Bandits, Time Travel, Time Trax, Timecop, Trancers
Dion and J. Blake are back for another exciting, hair-raising, and mind-blowing Side-Cast! This go around, the boys tackle the plot device known as time travel. They chat about their favorite films that revolve around going back or forth in time, the paradoxes some of the movies lay out, and highlight some screen gems that […]
Side Casts: The Action Movie Genre
Posted: 3rd July 2013 by Podwits Administrator in Podcast, Side-CastsTags: 48 hours, Akira Kurosawa, Alan Rickman, Alexander Godunov, Alien, Aliens, Andy Robinson, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Art Carney, Assassins, Beverly Hills Cop, brigitte nielsen, Bruce Lee, Bruce Willis, Bullitt, Cary Grant, Charade, Chuck Norris, Cliffhanger, Clint Eastwood, Cobra, Commando, Danny Trejo, David Carradine, David Patrick Kelly, David Suchet, Demolition Man, Die Hard, Die Hard 2, Die Hard 3, Dirty Harry, Dolph Lundgren, Eddie Murphy, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Eli Wallach, Enter the Dragon, Eraser, Escape from New York, Executive Decision, Game of Death, George P. Cosmatos, Guy Ritchie, Hard Target, Hark Tsui, Hero, Ian Fleming, Ice T, Jackie Chan, James Bond, James Cameron, James Coburn, Jason Statham, Jean Claude Van Damme, Jett Lee, Joe Spinell, John Woo, Judge Dredd, Knock Off, Last Action Hero, Lethal Weapon, Lone Wolf McQuade, Luc Besson, Mad Max, Mel Gibson, Missing in Action, New Years Evil, Nighthawks, Noel Carroll, Passenger 57, Predator, Rae Dong Chong, Rambo, Rambo 3, Rambo First Blood, Rambo First Blood Part Two, Randy Jurgensen, Reni Santoni, Renny Harlin, Return of the Dragon, Richard Donner, Richard Lynch, Rob Schneider, Rocky, Rutger Hauer, Sam Raimi, Shane Black, Side-Cast, Sidecast, Silent Rage, Sledge Hammer, Speed, Stan Winston, Steve McQueen, Steven Seagal, Sudden Death, Surviving the Game, Sylvester Stallone, Tango and Cash, Terminator 2, The Chinese Connection, The Following, The Road Warrior, The Seven Ups, The Specialist, the terminator, Timecop, Transporter, True Lies, Under Siege, Unvasion USA, Vernon Wells, Vin Diesel, William Sadler
Dion and Contributor J. Blake are back at it again, this time they sit down for a super-long chat about one of their favorite topics, the heyday of the Action Movie Genre. The two Podwits reminisce about some of their favorite films, while mapping out a route through a highly populated neighborhood of the 1970s, 1980s and […]
It’s Deplorable, Charlie Brown
Posted: 26th January 2013 by Podwits Administrator in PodcastTags: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Charlie Brown, Chuck Schultz, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Conan, Diamonds Are Forever, Eon Productions, George Lazenby, James Bond, James Cameron, On Her Majesty's Secret Service, Peter Lorre, Peter Robbins, Roger Moore, Sean Connery, Star Trek, Terminator, Terminator 2, Terminator 3, The Abyss, The Last Stand, Thunderball, Who Framed Roger Rabbit?, William Shatner, You Only Live Twice
The jazz trio are at it again, jumping right into the headlines of the week, discussing the “Charlie Brown” arrest; then they hit the ‘bridge’, and chat about Arnold’s future career after the bombing of his latest film in the box office; before ‘soloing’ on the genius that is James Cameron. The lads then take the whole thing back to the ‘head’ by discussing the […]
Of Podcast Bondage
Posted: 20th October 2012 by Podwits Administrator in Film, PodcastTags: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Blade Runner, Chip 'N Dale's Rescue Rangers, Darkwing Duck, Duck Tales, James Cameron, Marx Brothers, Peta, Pokemon, Predator, Prometheus, Radio, Ridley Scott, Scrooge McDuck, Stanley Kubrick, Steven Seagal, Steven Spielberg, Tale Spin, Terminator, Twilight Zone
On behalf of everyone at AM 331, welcome to yet another fun-filled adventure with The Podwits! This week’s episode is special because it’s not only a look back at the that old-timey invention called radio, but the podcast itself is being examined by top men… TOP…. MEN… So to those and to our brand-spanking […]
Expendables 2 is Unabashed Nostalgia.
Posted: 22nd August 2012 by Podwits Administrator in Film, Film ReviewTags: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bruce Willis, Chuck Norris, Dolph Lundgren, Expendables 2, Jason Statham, Jean Claude Van Damme, Jet Li, Luke Whitmire, Randy Couture, Simon West, Sylvester Stallone, Terry Crews
by Luke Whitmire I’ll be honest: Expendables 2 is a shoddy and lazy film with careless acting, clumsy story structure, cheesy dialogue, and awful CGI. This film truly is a nonsensical and emotional detached opus that redundantly serves up an untrammeled mess of exaggerated carnage. Elementary filmmaking at its worst. Sylvester Stallone structures this sequel […]
Hard News, Comic Books, and Conspiracies
Posted: 24th December 2011 by Podwits Administrator in Christmas, Comic Books, Film, History, News, PodcastTags: Abraham Zapruder, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Comic Books, Commando, Die Hard 2, Ed Wynn, Film, JFK, John Wayne Gacy, Lee Harvey Oswald, Mad Love, National Geographic, Officer J.D. Tippit, Peter Lorre, Surgery, Sylvester Stallone, Terrorists, The Dark Knight Rises, The Lost Bullet
The three amigos break new ground, exploring the JFK assassination and Ed and Keenan Wynn; then digress into such normalities as vintage comic book stores, 80’s action movies and the out-of-date Eastern European Terrorist plot device, before rounding out the chat with hand surgery and good old Grover and John Wayne Gacy references. Fun for […]
The Podwits – Episode The Second
Posted: 26th November 2011 by Podwits Administrator in Film, Literature, Podcast, Science Fiction, TelevisionTags:, Arnold Schwarzenegger, California, DVD, Ernest Borgnine, Film, Game of Thrones, Holidays, Kindle Fire, Netflix, Smallville, Television, Total Recall, True Blood, Walking Dead
The Podwits are back and this time it’s personal! While Dion, J. and Brian are more than happy to debate the virtues of the written word versus its interpretation in Hollywood, they also prove they’re not above shilling for everything from to Ahnold himself. We may even shill for you too…