This installment of the Podwits’ Side Cast find Dion and J. Blake on location at New York City’s famous Manganaro’s Hero Boy on the Westside for a lunch break while they attend this year’s 4th Annual Comic Book Marketplace Convention. The boys discuss collecting original comic book and cartoon art, the allure of small conventions as opposed to the clusterfunk known […]
Posts Tagged ‘Batman’
Side-Cast: Epic Battles: Comic Conventions Over Heroes
Posted: 5th March 2014 by Podwits Administrator in Art, Cartoons, Celebrities, Comic Books, Podcast, Side-Casts, UncategorizedTags: Al Roker, Alex Ross, Animaniacs, Batman, Bill Melendez, Bob Kane, Bob Singer, Bruce Lee, Bugs Bunny, Chubby Checker, Chuck Berry, Chuck Jones, Comic Art, Comic Con, Comicbook Market place, Dick Van Dyke, Don Knotts, Dr. Suess, Fangoria, Frank Frazetta, George Perez, Herb Trimpe, Hero Boy, Jerry Reed, Jim Steranko, Joe Sinnott, John Byrne, John Romita Sr, Ken Bald, Laurel and Hardy, Mama Cass, Manganaro's Hero Boy, Mark Millar, Mark Texeira, Meadowlark Lemon, Neil Adams, Roddy Pipper, Scatman Crothers, Scooby Doo, Scooby Doo Movies, Scott Baio, Side-Cast, Sidecast, Snoopy, Spiderman, Stan Lee, Superman, The Green Hornet, The Harlem Globetrotters, The Peanuts, The Punisher, The Shadow, The Three Stooges, Wolverine
Ground Control To Major J.
Posted: 8th February 2014 by Podwits Administrator in Comic Books, Doctor Who, Podcast, ToysTags: Batman, Ben Affleck, DC Comics, Doctor Who, Facebook, G.I.Joe, Garth Ennis, Jeremy Irons, Jesse Eisenberg, Maximilian Schell, Preacher, Seth Rogen, Superman, The Green Hornet
This week’s podcast features a Podwits first as J. Marcus becomes the first Podwit to dial in from orbit! Exactly what he’s orbiting is unclear, though he seems to have broken the space-time continuum, causing him to speak somewhat out of sync with reality! Can Dion and Brian save him, or will he be lost […]
Na na na na na na na na… PODWITS!
Posted: 26th January 2014 by Podwits Administrator in PodcastTags: Adam West, Alien, Aliens, Batman, Bill Finger, Bob Kane, Breyers, Burt Ward, Colonial Marines, Conan O'Brien, DC Comics, Gelato Indulgences, Jerry Siegel, Joe Shuster, Lyle Waggoner, Man of Steel, Marc Tyler Nobleman, Married With Children, Marvel Comics, Sean Howe, Superman, Ty Templeton
From the tragic tragedy of Batman’s real creator Bill Finger to delicious ice cream made with ladyfingers to the classic 1960s Batman TV series finally getting fingered for a DVD release, the Podwits have you covered for all your finger-related needs. Enjoy this brand new Podwits Podcast and let the Podwits give you the finger! To support […]
J. Breaks His Silence On “Man Of Steel”
Posted: 23rd January 2014 by Podwits Administrator in Comic Books, Film, Podcast, Side-CastsTags: Amy Adams, Batman, Christopher Nolan, Christopher Reeve, DC Comics, Fantastic Four, Henry Cavill, Man of Steel, Marvel Comics, Richard Donner, Side-Cast, Sidecast, Sony, Spider-Man, Superman, Warner Bros.
*SPOILER ALERT*. At long last, J. has seen Man Of Steel. After years of waiting and speculation, he’s laid eyes on the film not once, not twice, but three times. Now the story must be told! Did he like it? Did he hate it? What was it like? And to share this experience, J. is […]

Side-Cast: Fotonovels & Novelizations
Posted: 8th January 2014 by Podwits Administrator in Electronics, Film, History, Literature, Podcast, Side-Casts, TechnologyTags: 8MM, Alfred Hitchcock, Assault on Precinct 13, Batman, Cassette Tape, Choose Your Own Adventures, Coffee, Dean Koontz, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, fotonovels, Funhouse, Gremlins, Halloween, Halloween 3: Season of the Witch, Harry and the Hendersons, iCloud, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, iTunes, James Cameron, John Carpenter, LUX Radio Theater, MP3 Player, Psycho, Record, Rocky, Rocky 2, Side-Cast, Sidecast, Star Trek, Star Wars, Suspense, The Abyss, The Omen, the terminator, VCR, Viewmaster, Vincent Price
Dion and contributor J. Blake are back and ready to kick 2014 off with a duesy of a topic: Before you had the DVD, VCR, or even the Multiplex, how else could fans continue to digest their favorite films after seeing them in the theater? Well the duo discuss the short-lived 1970’s genre called the fotonovel, and film novelizations. The […]
“Tell Me a Story & Tell it Competently…”
Posted: 21st December 2013 by Podwits Administrator in Christmas, Film, Film Review, PodcastTags: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Batman, Batman: The Animated Series, Bill Cosby, Christopher Lee, Christopher Reeve, Dark Shadows, David Chase, DC Comics, Dick Tracy, Hammer Films, James Mason, Kevin Costner, Kolchak, Lost, Man of Steel, Michael Shannon, Olan Soule, Open Range, Our Gang, Peter Cushing, Peter Lorre, Richard Donner, Spiderman, Star Trek Intro Darkness, Superman, The Daly Show, The Little Rascals, The Postman, The Sopranos, The Walking Dead, Tim Burton, Tim Daly, Waterworld
The Podwits are sailing to new heights, literally this week. Dion single-handedly recasts Man of Steel as a Hammer Film, going as far as getting Peter Lorre on loan from Roger Corman, while Brian lets us in on his waning interest in Season 4 of The Walking Dead and its colossal mid-season finale. It’s a literal laugh-out-loud edition of […]

“I am Thor! Hear Me ROAR!!!”
Posted: 23rd November 2013 by Podwits Administrator in Food, News, Podcast, Up on The Soap BoxTags: Almost Human, animal rights, animals, Batman, Blackfish, Brian Michael Bendis, Christopher Lee, Coffee, Errol Morris, Food Inc., hunting, Isaac Asimov, JJ Abrams, Karl Urban, Marvel Comics, McDonalds, Melissa Bachman, Mr. Death, religion, Stew Leonard's, The knockout Game, The Most Dangerous Game, Tim Daly, Uncanny X-Men, Vegetarian, Wholefoods
It gets hot and heavy in this all new, freshly polished edition of the Podwits‘ Podcast! The boys get serious and philosophical, when speaking about the current news of the day such as the horrible “Knockout Game“, the Melissa Bachman debacle, leading the wits-of-pod to opine on such issues as animal rights, food prep, religion, morality, and Marvel Comics recent outting […]
Oh My God… It’s… it’s… it’s BAD!
Posted: 9th November 2013 by Podwits Administrator in Film, Podcast, TelevisionTags: Batman, Captain America, Dick Tracy, Doctor Who, Halloween, Justice League, Spider-Man, Superman, The Phantom, The Rocketeer, The Shadow
For reasons that defy proper explanation, J and Dion delve into some of the worst that genre entertainment has to offer. Waxing nostalgic over guilty pleasures like The Flash TV series and The Shadow feature film and trying desperately to forget misfires like CBS’ abortive Justice League TV pilot and fan films like The Death of Batman, the boys cover […]
Now It’s Even the Little Things…
Posted: 5th October 2013 by Podwits Administrator in PodcastTags: Adam West, Batman, Batman Returns, Christian Bale, Christopher Nolan, Danny Elfman, Ernest Borgnine, Frank Gorshin, Funny Games, J.J. Abrams, Khan, Low Winter Sun, Man of Steel, Man on a String, Michael Keaton, Paul Reubens, Peter Weller, Richard Donner, Robocop, Sean Young, Sideshow Collectibles, Star Trek Into Darkness, Star Wars, Superman, The Batmobile, The Dark Knight Trilogy, The Riddler, Tim Burton, Tim Roth
This week J. Marcus and Dion tackle the pressing issues of the day: the British thespian Invasion, ‘Old Detriot’ alla RoboCop becoming a reality, the Dark Knight Trilogy Box Set, the plot holes that abound in Star Trek: Into Darkness, the final word on Richard Donner’s Superman with the newly released International Cut, and- last but certainly not least, […]