Posts Tagged ‘Marvel Comics’

KA-POW!  WHAM!  ZOWIE!  Onomatopoeias start flying as the Podwits run down some of the best and worst representations of superheroes on film and television!  So get out your cape, put on that mask and strap yourself in for this Podwits SPECIAL presentation… “Superheroes on Celluloid”

In this week’s episode our three heroes parry opinions about what is now banned in New York City elementary schools; The Land of Oz; Miles Davis and performer’s contract stipulations. They weight in on lengthy comic book legal battles,  comic-book reboots, and the Borgninian Moment of the Week, before they realize it is their 25th […]

Ever since those old “I’m a Mac, and I’m a PC” commercials came out, some enterprising folks immediately capitalized on them and made an analogy between the two big comics companies, Marvel Comics and DC Comics. For anyone who has read on both sides of that aisle, the differences can be very much like night […]

This week, the boys do a little globetrotting to answer the age-old question: why does cheese that smells like feet taste better than the one that smells like it came from your butt?  The Podwits also have to come to terms with the ever-growing internationally acclaimed status of one of their own while not insulting […]

In this week’s exciting installment, the gang asks who the world’s greatest detective really is?  Dion’s got something to say to Robert Downey Jr. fans, we delve into the mystery of Solar Pons and look at predictions of the world of 2001 (what wonders it will bring)!  All that, and a Podwit runs afoul of […]

Dion and J. dive back into the Toybox to rediscover the playthings of our youth.  From Mego to MacFarlane, Turtles to Terminator, we leave no plastic stone unturned.

If you’ve listened to this week’s Podwits Podcast, you heard a lot of tasty bits to keep your earholes happy! But there’s so much you didn’t get a chance to see… Like this for example!

Take THAT, Successful Movie Sources!

Posted: 4th November 2011 by J. Marcus in News
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The AP is reporting that DC has overtaken Marvel Comics for the first time in almost 10 years. It’s no coincidence that the jump in sales comes at the same time that DC decided to relaunch its top-tier characters in an event dubbed “The New 52”.