This week, on a very special “Podwits Podcast”, Dion opens his heart to “The Agents of SHIELD.” Did it get broken, or is he smitten? J. (with a little help from the good folks at tells of the real-life story of Superman vs. The United Nations. Also, are fan films played out? All this […]
Posts Tagged ‘Netflix’
The Six Degrees of Vincent Price (aka Our Love for Clark Gregg)
Posted: 31st May 2014 by Podwits Administrator in Celebrities, Ernest Borgnine, Film, Film Review, History, Music, News, Podcast, Podwits Exclusive, Science Fiction, Television, The Comic SpinnerTags: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Agents of Shield, Albert Brooks, Bill Cosby, Bill Paxton, Brad Dourif, Brian Jones, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Clark Gregg, Daredevil, Dead Heat, Hank Williams, Joe Piscopo, Keye Luke, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel Comics, Muscle Men, Netflix, The Punisher, The Rolling Stones, Vincent Price, Wiseguys
The lads are back for an exciting, invigorating, and sensational edition of the Podwits Podcast! The band is back together and boy do they have a lot to catch up on! Dion talks about a recent chat with actor Joe Piscopo which leads into discuss (or debate) for their love of the cult classic Dead Heat; Brian brings […]

Into The Wild Blue Yonder
Posted: 1st March 2014 by Podwits Administrator in Electronics, Podcast, Science Fiction, TechnologyTags: Cinefantastique, Cinefex, Comcast, DJI, GoPro, Harrison Ford, Indiana Jones, Lucasfilm, Netflix, Starlog, Verizon
Strap yourselves in for a ride into the Wild Blue Yonder with The Podwits! J. has anything but buyer’s remorse over his biggest, latest purchase… leaving Dion to ponder the moral implications of what is to come! In the meantime, a major science fiction publication makes a comeback on the web in the form of […]
A Higher Quality of Foot Prophylactic
Posted: 15th December 2013 by Podwits Administrator in PodcastTags: Agents of Shield, Almost Human, Blockbuster Video, Eddie Izzard, Edgar Wright, Ernest P. Worrell, Fuller's ESB, Goose Island Honker's Ale, iPotty, JIm Varney, Lady Gaga, Man of Steel, Miley Cyrus, MTV, Muppets, Netflix, Nick Frost, Simon Pegg, Spaced, Superman: The Movie
The cold weather is seeping into the Podwits’ bones, as the boys do their best impression of grumpy old men. They’ve decided that the Lady Gaga & The Muppets Holiday Spectacular, the iPotty and MTV all basically add up to the impending end of Western civilization as we know it. Whether you agree with ’em […]
Van Damn! Those Thighs!
Posted: 16th November 2013 by Podwits Administrator in PodcastTags: Anchor Liberty Ale, Andy Kaufman, Daredevil, Defenders, Doctor Who, Drew Goddard, Elliott Kay, Iron Fist, Jean Claude Van Damme, Jessica Jones, John Constantine, Legos, Luke Cage, Marvel Comics, Netflix, Night of the Doctor, Sam J. Jones, Steven E. DeSouza, Tim Daly
The Podwits try to work with an actual format… and no, sir, they don’t like it, not one little bit. But while they’re straining at the bonds of the rundown, our poorly-behaved wild children still manage to discuss the good and bad of collecting stuff, the New York Comic Con Twitter-hack scandal, Tim Daly’s video […]
Side-Casts: The Rise and Fall of the Video Store
Posted: 5th June 2013 by Podwits Administrator in Film, Podcast, Side-Casts, Technology, Up on The Soap BoxTags: A History of Violence, Asylum Pictures, Betamax, Blockbuster Video, Bruce Campbell, Christopher Lambert, Columbia House, David Cronenberg, Day of the Dead, DVD plaver, Escape from New York, Full frame, Fullscreen, Hollywood Video, Ice T, Mean Guns, Michael Mann, Mister Roberts, Netflix, Redbox, Side-Cast, Sidecast, Streaming, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Burning, The Prowler, Tom Savini, Tombstone, VCR, VHS, Video Store, Video tape, Westcoast Video, Widescreen
In 2005, David Cronenberg‘s A History of Violence, marked the last time a film saw a mainstream VHS release. Along with the overwhelming popularity of companies like Netflix and Redbox, these mailbox and streaming entertainment services virtually spelled the end to the 25 year-old industry known as the video store, and only a handful of small, “Mom & Pop” stores […]
With All Respect To Albert Brooks…
Posted: 9th February 2013 by Podwits Administrator in Film, PodcastTags: Closet Cases of the Nerd Kind, Foreign Films, Hardware Wars, Netflix, Post Office, Star Trek, Star Wars, Superman, UltraViolet, Vudu
This week The Podwits are podcasting minus one! Brian’s out sick with a note from the doctor, leaving Dion and J. to run the store for a week! You think you know movies? You haven’t seen anything until you’ve seen their half-as-good foreign remakes! And not all remakes are foreign as J and Dion recount […]
When Brian is on Holiday, The Podwits Will Play…
Posted: 8th December 2012 by Podwits Administrator in PodcastTags: Amazon Prime, Burger King, Creation Entertainment, Disney, Elmo, Hess Truck, Kevin Clash, Netflix, Pepsi Throwback, Star Trek, Star Trek Into Darkness, William Shatner
With Brian south of the border, the remaining lads rap about automation within the fast food industry, the decline of the Christmas Hess Truck, the Elmo controversy, Netflix vs. Amazon Prime and the newly released teaser trailer for Star Trek Into Darkness. There’s going the be some bitching, complaining and hugging this time around…

Did Netflix Pull “The Boyguard” Just to Make Some Money?
Posted: 21st February 2012 by Dion in Music, News, Uncategorized, Up on The Soap BoxTags: Apple, iTunes, Michael Jackson, Netflix, SONY Music, The Bodyguard, This is It, Whitney Houston
Internet rumors abound that the DVD rental giant Netflix, pulled from it’s streaming catalogue The Bodyguard (1992), just to boost it’s DVD sales.