Welcome back to another exciting episode of the Podwits Podcast! This week, Brian and J. take up arms against the evil tyrant named Jerry Seinfeld – a man who dares to compare those who upload to YouTube to a giant garbage can! But is there an ulterior motive to his mad claim? Then the boys turn […]
Posts Tagged ‘Steven Moffat’
Adequate, at best?
Posted: 20th September 2014 by Podwits Administrator in Beer, Books, Celebrities, Electronics, Ernest Borgnine, Film, History, News, Podcast, Science Fiction, Software Review, Technology, TelevisionTags: #PodwitsBeer, Avatar, Douglas Trumbull, Elementary, James Cameron, Sherlock, Sherlock Holmes, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Steven Moffat, Unlocking Sherlock
The ‘Wits of Pod are all over the place this week! Brian lays out his new exercise regiment, utilizing The Couch-to-5K ® Running Plan, before they dash into the highly recommended documentary about the BBC series Sherlock entitled Unlocking Sherlock. Then the lads get into a spirited discussion about VFX pioneer and filmmaker Douglas Trumbull‘s new […]
The Podwits Debate Center
Posted: 6th September 2014 by Podwits Administrator in PodcastTags: Doctor Who, Dwayne McDuffie, Ghostbusters, Ghostbusters II, Harold Ramis, Ivan Reitman, Jenna Coleman, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Philip Jose Farmer, Planetary, Riverworld, St. Elsewhere, Steven Moffat, Tommy Westphall, Tommy Westphall Multiverse, Wold Cottage meteorite, Wold Newton Family
An all new Podwits podcast is GO! This week, “Sugarthroat” Baia goads J. and Brian into gladiatorial combat over the quality (or lack thereof) of the new season of Doctor Who. But, in typical Podwits fashion, that soon becomes a discussion of the 30th anniversary of Ghostbusters (and what went wrong with Ghostbusters II), NSFW porn parodies, the Tommy […]
The Podwits’ “Year in Re-vWho” 2013
Posted: 4th January 2014 by Podwits Administrator in Doctor Who, PodcastTags: 50th Anniversary, Bells of St. John, Clara Oswald, Cold War, Crimson Horror, Day of the Doctor, Doctor Who, Hide, Jenna Coleman, Jenny Flint, Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS, Madame Vastra, Matt Smith, Neil Gaiman, Night of the Doctor, Nightmare in Silver, Paternoster Gang, Peter Capaldi, Rings of Akhaten, Series 7, Steven Moffat, Strax, Time of the Doctor, Trenzalore
Now that Doctor Who‘s big 50th anniversary year is over, and it left fans with rather a lot to chew over—a proper new companion, the first big multi-Doctor anniversary story in thirty years (we don’t talk about Dimensions in Time, thankyewverymuch), and of course a regeneration. The Podwits’ lifelong Whovians, J. Marcus and Brian, are here to […]
The Official Podwits Postgame Squeecast: The Day of the Doctor
Posted: 26th November 2013 by Podwits Administrator in Doctor Who, PodcastTags: David Tennant, Doctor Who, Eleventh Doctor, Jenna Coleman, John Hurt, Matt Smith, Steven Moffat, Tenth Doctor, The Day of the Doctor, Time Lords, Time War, War Doctor, Zygons
J. Marcus, Brian and the Empress got together to watch the worldwide simulcast of the big Doctor Who 50th anniversary special, The Day of the Doctor, and were so filled with fannish glee they decided to fire up the ol’ microphone and podcast their immediate post-broadcast thoughts. Check out what they thought of all the twists, turns […]

Fandom Into Darkness
Posted: 23rd May 2013 by J. Marcus in Doctor Who, Film Review, Science Fiction, Television, Watching the DoctorTags: Doctor Who, Jenna-Louise Coleman, Matt Smith, Star Trek, Star Trek Into Darkness, Steven Moffat, The Name of the Doctor
The weekend of May 18, 2013 will live long in my consciousness. It will stand for quite some time as the weekend that two of my favorite franchises tried to hit one out of the park… and failed miserably. You can count my “favorite” franchises on one hand. Among them are Doctor Who, Superman and Star Trek (not […]
The Year in Re-Vwho Twho
Posted: 6th April 2013 by Podwits Administrator in Doctor Who, Podcast, TelevisionTags: Arthur Darvill, Doctor Who, Jenna-Louise Coleman, Karen Gillan, Matt Smith, Steven Moffat
It’s been a year… um, or so… since J. and Brian last gave vent to their thoughts, feelings, and conspiracy theories regarding that venerable television institution known as Doctor Who. So, although this year’s adventures are just beginning, join our two Who-ligans as they look back at the last twelve months… um, or so… of all […]
Dock! Tore! Hoo!
Posted: 3rd September 2012 by J. Marcus in Doctor Who, Television, Up on The Soap BoxTags: Andrew Cartmel, Asylum of the Daleks, Doctor Who, Matt Smith, Paul McGann, Steven Moffat, Sylvester McCoy, The Wedding of River Song
Saturday night was the premiere of the seventh season (series) of the new Doctor Who on BBC America. The show returned not with a whimper, but with a bang. A whole series of bangs, in fact, along with the greatest threat the Doctor has ever faced: a room filled with every Dalek from the series’ […]
Tube Boobs
Posted: 1st September 2012 by Podwits Administrator in Podcast, TelevisionTags: Arrow, Doctor Who, Elementary, Revolution, Sherlock, Smallville, Steven Moffat
J and Brian, obviously flailing about without the steadying influence of the still-MIA Dion, manage to drag themselves out of the swamp of talking about comic books non-stop and instead turn their attention to something much more intellectually worthwhile: television! They’ve got thoughts on the new season of Doctor Who debuting this weekend, and some other […]
The Cup of Dion
Posted: 25th August 2012 by J. Marcus in Comic Books, Podcast, Science FictionTags: Amy Pond, Battlestar Galactica, Blake's 7, Doctor Who, HBO, Pond Life, Smallville, Steven Moffat, Superman, SyFy Channel, True Blood, Wonder Woman
Brian and J. are on their own this week and left to ponder the canon of Dion, the inevitable courtship of Superman and Wonder Woman and Jessica Hamby’s beyond-cute video blog! All that and the return of a venerable (?) sci-fi television series on this week’s Podwits Podcast!