J. and Dion present you with this special early Christmas present! A look into the world of toys and action figures through the years. From the most beloved toys of our youth to the newest thing to hit the shelves, The Podwits bring you a heaping spoonful of nostalgia on a blister card!
Posts Tagged ‘The Thing’
The Podwits – Episode IV: Mr. Crankypants Goes to the Movies
Posted: 10th December 2011 by Podwits Administrator in Film, Podcast, Science Fiction, Up on The Soap BoxTags: Cabin in the Woods, Drew Goddard, Ernest Borgnine, Farrelly Brothers, Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within, George Lucas, Howard Hawks, John Carpenter, John W. Campbell Jr., Joss Whedon, Paul Verhoeven, Remakes, Robert A. Heinlein, Shatfish, Square Enix, Star Trek, Star Wars, Starship Troopers, The Thing, Three Stooges
Brian’s got a chip on his shoulder and a bug up his butt about some new remakes in the Hollywood pipeline, J. and Dion try to talk him off the ledge, and many film buff hijinks ensue. Plus listener comments and your Borgnine fix. Getcher red hot Podcast right hee-yah!