Well what else can be said about this week’s all new installment of The Podwits Podcast except that it is EPIC… We hear how J. Marcus and Dion first met Brian on the Coney Island boardwalk; Beer connoisseur Brian lambasts Guinness’ new Blonde Lager and praises this week’s choice drink; Dion vents about the news that Operation […]
Posts Tagged ‘Tim Burton’
New Podcast: The Lads Taking the Piss
Posted: 1st November 2014 by Podwits Administrator in Beer, Cartoons, Celebrities, Comic Books, Ernest Borgnine, Film, Film Review, News, Podcast, Science Fiction, Television, Up on The Soap BoxTags: #PodwitsBeer, 2001 A Space Odyssey, Aquaman, Batman, Captain Marvel, Coney Island, Cyborg, DC Comics, Delorean DMC-12, Dr. Strange, Green Lantern, Guardians of the Galaxy, Guinness Blonde Lager, Hasbro, Joe Spinello, Justice League, Lego, Lego Batman, Marvel, Marvel Agents of Shield, Michael Keaton, Nick Fury, Operation Board Game, Parker Brothers, Phase 3, Shazam, Spiderman, Star Wars, Stationwagon, Suicide Squad, Superman, Terminator, The Avengers, The Black Panther, Tim Burton, Warner Bros., Wonder Woman
Deep Thoughts, by J. Marcus
Posted: 30th August 2014 by Podwits Administrator in Comic Books, Doctor Who, Film, Film Review, History, News, Podcast, Science Fiction, Television, Watching the DoctorTags: 12th Doctor, Batman, Batman Begins, Benedict Cumberbatch, Christian Bale, Christopher Eccleston, Colin Baker, David Tennant, Doctor Who, Martin Freeman, Matt Smith, Michael Keaton, Peter Capaldi, Roger Corman, Sherlock, Steven Moffatt, The Adventures of Tintin, The Dark Knight, The Dark Knight Rises, Tim Burton, World War Z
J. Marcus gives Dion his immediate reactions to the appearance of the 12th Doctor in last week’s Doctor Who Season Debut, not mincing words or pulling punches. Has watching it a half a dozen times on the DVR and seeing it in the cinema changed his mind? Then the back-end of the ‘cast is filled […]
Side-Cast: The Fake Shemp – The Bruce Campbell Podcast
Posted: 30th July 2014 by Podwits Administrator in Books, Celebrities, Film, Film Review, History, Podcast, Recap, Side-Casts, TelevisionTags: Army of Darkness, Ash, Batman, Bill Bixby, Billy Drago, Blossom, Brian DePalma, Bruce Campbell, Bubba Ho-tep, Burn Notice, Burt Lancaster, Congo, Crime Wave, Dead Heat, Elmer Gantry, Ernest Borgnine, Evil Dead II, Excalibur, From Dusk Til Dawn 2, Hercules, High Spirits, If Chins could Kill, Jack of All Trades, Josh Becker, Liam Neeson, Maniac Cop, Marvel, Moon Trap, Ossie Davis, Pat Hingle, Robert Rodriguez, Rope, Running Time, Sam Raimi, Shawn of the Dead, Side-Cast, Sidecast, Spiderman, Star Trek, The Adventures of Brisco County Jr., The Coen Brothers, The Dark Man, The Evil Dead, The Evil Dead II, The Phantom, The Protector, The Quick and the Dead, The Shadow, The X-Files, Tim Burton, Tony Jaa, True Detective, Walter Koenig, Xena: Warrior Princess
Dion and contributor J. Blake are back for an all new, exciting episode of The Podwits’ Side Cast! The topic today is the man, the myth, the legend…. Bruce Campbell; and all things Mr. Campbell! The boys get into the nitty-gritty and talk about his mainstream successes like The Evil Dead and Burn Notice, but also get into some […]
Batman at 75 Part II!
Posted: 10th May 2014 by Podwits Administrator in Books, Cartoons, Comic Books, Film, Film Review, History, Literature, Podcast, Side-Casts, Television, The Comic SpinnerTags: A Death in the Family, Adam West, American Psycho, Bane, Batman, Batman Begins, Batman Beyond, Batman TV series, Batman: The Animated Series, Bill Dozier, Bill Finger, Bob Kane, Bruce Timm, Charles Bronson, Christian Bale, Christopher Nolan, D.C. Comics, Darwyn Cooke, Dean Kain, Deathwish, Dick Tracy, Dylan Baker, Heath Ledger, J.J. Abrams, Jack Nicholson, Joel Schumacher, Kevin Conroy, Matt Garrison, Michael Keaton, Patchwork, Peter Weller, Remakes, Robin, Sam Raimi, Sherlock Holmes, Side-Cast, Sidecast, Spiderman, Stan Lee, Star Trek, Superman, The Dark Knight, The Dark Knight Rises, The Dark Knight Trilogy, The New 52, The Punisher, The Rocketeer, The Shadow, Tim Burton
The Podwits bring your Part II of their Side Cast special exploring Batman’s 75th anniversary! Dion and contributor J. Blake continue on with memories of the Caped Crusader, and get into Tim Burton’s franchise versus Christopher Nolan’s, and also bring up what is going on the small screen by way of the amazing animated films D.C. Comics have been putting […]
BATMAN at 75!
Posted: 4th May 2014 by Podwits Administrator in Cartoons, Celebrities, Comic Books, Film, Film Review, History, Podcast, Recap, Side-Casts, Technology, Television, The Comic Spinner, ToysTags: A Death in the Family, Adam West, Alan Moore, Alex Ross, Anton Furst, Batgirl, Batman, Batman (1966), Batman 66, Batman Beyond, Batman Returns, Batman TV series, Batman: Mask of the Phantasm, Batman: The Animated Series, Batman: The Dark Knight Collection, Batman: Year One, Bill Dozier, Bill Finger, Bob Hoskins, Bob Kane, Brad Dourif, Christopher Nolan, Comic Books, D.C. Comics, Dennis O'Neal, Dick Tracy, Disney, Frank Miller, From Here to Eternity, G.I.Joe, George Reeves, Heath Ledger, Jack Nicholson, Legends of the Superheroes, Mark Hamill, Matt Garrison, Max Allan Collins, Michael Keaton, Neil Adams, Norman Saunders, Olan Soule, Patchwork, Paul Williams, Robin, Robin Williams, Scooby Doo, Shirley Walker, Side-Cast, Sidecast, Superman, The Joker, The Killing Joke, The Phantom, The Rocketeer, The Shadow, The Transformers, Tim Burton, William Sanderson
To celebrate the 75th anniversary of Batman, The Podwits deliver a special edition of the Side Cast! Dion and contributor J. Blake celebrate the history of the character by sharing their memories and speak about the history, which leads into some very interesting topics: The various incarnations from comic, to small and then silver screen; […]
“Tell Me a Story & Tell it Competently…”
Posted: 21st December 2013 by Podwits Administrator in Christmas, Film, Film Review, PodcastTags: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Batman, Batman: The Animated Series, Bill Cosby, Christopher Lee, Christopher Reeve, Dark Shadows, David Chase, DC Comics, Dick Tracy, Hammer Films, James Mason, Kevin Costner, Kolchak, Lost, Man of Steel, Michael Shannon, Olan Soule, Open Range, Our Gang, Peter Cushing, Peter Lorre, Richard Donner, Spiderman, Star Trek Intro Darkness, Superman, The Daly Show, The Little Rascals, The Postman, The Sopranos, The Walking Dead, Tim Burton, Tim Daly, Waterworld
The Podwits are sailing to new heights, literally this week. Dion single-handedly recasts Man of Steel as a Hammer Film, going as far as getting Peter Lorre on loan from Roger Corman, while Brian lets us in on his waning interest in Season 4 of The Walking Dead and its colossal mid-season finale. It’s a literal laugh-out-loud edition of […]

Now It’s Even the Little Things…
Posted: 5th October 2013 by Podwits Administrator in PodcastTags: Adam West, Batman, Batman Returns, Christian Bale, Christopher Nolan, Danny Elfman, Ernest Borgnine, Frank Gorshin, Funny Games, J.J. Abrams, Khan, Low Winter Sun, Man of Steel, Man on a String, Michael Keaton, Paul Reubens, Peter Weller, Richard Donner, Robocop, Sean Young, Sideshow Collectibles, Star Trek Into Darkness, Star Wars, Superman, The Batmobile, The Dark Knight Trilogy, The Riddler, Tim Burton, Tim Roth
This week J. Marcus and Dion tackle the pressing issues of the day: the British thespian Invasion, ‘Old Detriot’ alla RoboCop becoming a reality, the Dark Knight Trilogy Box Set, the plot holes that abound in Star Trek: Into Darkness, the final word on Richard Donner’s Superman with the newly released International Cut, and- last but certainly not least, […]
Any Given Story
Posted: 13th April 2013 by Podwits Administrator in PodcastTags: 61*, Any Given Sunday, Assault on Precinct 13, Big Trouble in Little China, Billy Crystal, Brisco County Jr., Bruce Campbell, Bubba Ho-tep, Bull Durham, City Slickers, Cornered, Daniel Stern, Debi Mazar, Eight Men Out, Fairuza Balk, Field of Dreams, Gary Busey, Hoosiers, Hostel, In the Mouth of Madness, Jack of All Trades, John Carpenter, John Cusack, Lori Petty, Major League, Martyrs, Memoirs of an Invisible Man, Natural Born Killers, Nightmare on Elm Street, Oliver Stone, Rookie of the Year, Rudy, Sam Raimi, Saw, Scream, Slap Shot, Tank Girl, Ted Raimi, The Cutting Edge, The Evil Dead, The Evil Dead II, The Factory, The Fog, The Natural, The Orphanage, The Quick and the Dead, Tim Burton, Wes Craven, Xena: Warrior Princess
J, Brian and Dion cover a lot of ground this week, jumping from their love of anything Bruce Campbell, to (of all things!) sports films, and then round out the talk with a spirited debate on horror films. Are we out of our comfort zones this week? Has Dion ever seen a single sports film? […]
Iron Man 3 Trailer Released
Posted: 24th October 2012 by Dion in Comic Books, Film, NewsTags: Bang Bang, Ben Kingsley, Guy Pearce, Gwyneth Paltrow, Iron Man 3, Jon Favreau, Kiss Kiss, Last Action Hero, Lethal Weapon, Marvel, Predator, Robert Downey Jr, Shane Black, The Last Boy Scout, The Monster Squad, Tim Burton
Yesterday the new trailer for Iron Man 3 hit the airwaves -or should I say the Cat 5’s- and it looks to be interesting to say the very least. This time around we have the amazingly talented Shane Black penning and directing, which makes me very excited.