Well what else can be said about this week’s all new installment of The Podwits Podcast except that it is EPIC… We hear how J. Marcus and Dion first met Brian on the Coney Island boardwalk; Beer connoisseur Brian lambasts Guinness’ new Blonde Lager and praises this week’s choice drink; Dion vents about the news that Operation […]
Posts Tagged ‘Warner Bros.’
New Podcast: The Lads Taking the Piss
Posted: 1st November 2014 by Podwits Administrator in Beer, Cartoons, Celebrities, Comic Books, Ernest Borgnine, Film, Film Review, News, Podcast, Science Fiction, Television, Up on The Soap BoxTags: #PodwitsBeer, 2001 A Space Odyssey, Aquaman, Batman, Captain Marvel, Coney Island, Cyborg, DC Comics, Delorean DMC-12, Dr. Strange, Green Lantern, Guardians of the Galaxy, Guinness Blonde Lager, Hasbro, Joe Spinello, Justice League, Lego, Lego Batman, Marvel, Marvel Agents of Shield, Michael Keaton, Nick Fury, Operation Board Game, Parker Brothers, Phase 3, Shazam, Spiderman, Star Wars, Stationwagon, Suicide Squad, Superman, Terminator, The Avengers, The Black Panther, Tim Burton, Warner Bros., Wonder Woman
Protecting the Earth from various No-goodniks and Skullduggery
Posted: 22nd February 2014 by Podwits Administrator in Beer, Cartoons, Comic Books, Ernest Borgnine, News, Podcast, Science FictionTags: A Christmas Story, Batman 66, Bejing Love Story, Borgnine Night, Brian Michael Bendis, Clint Eastwood, Comic Books, Comic Con, D.C. Comics, Ernest Borgnine, Guardians of the Galaxy, Justified, Marvel, New York Comic Book Market Plac, Saving Mr. Banks, Smallville, Special Edition NYC, Superman, Valentine's Day, Warner Bros., What's so Funny ABout Truth Justice and the American Way?, Wonder Woman
The boys are at it again! Dion’s on about Clint Eastwood being a real life hero and scorned Valentine’s Day lovers from China, J’s back from space and talking shop about Superman, and Brian is loving Marvel’s new Guardians of the Galaxy and voicing his contempt for the ineptitude of DC Comics. Plus an update on the 22nd Annual Borgnine Night at […]

J. Breaks His Silence On “Man Of Steel”
Posted: 23rd January 2014 by Podwits Administrator in Comic Books, Film, Podcast, Side-CastsTags: Amy Adams, Batman, Christopher Nolan, Christopher Reeve, DC Comics, Fantastic Four, Henry Cavill, Man of Steel, Marvel Comics, Richard Donner, Side-Cast, Sidecast, Sony, Spider-Man, Superman, Warner Bros.
*SPOILER ALERT*. At long last, J. has seen Man Of Steel. After years of waiting and speculation, he’s laid eyes on the film not once, not twice, but three times. Now the story must be told! Did he like it? Did he hate it? What was it like? And to share this experience, J. is […]

Podwits Profile: Martha Sigall
Posted: 17th January 2014 by Dion in Art, Cartoons, Celebrities, History, Podwit Profile, Podwits Exclusive, TelevisionTags: Animation, Bill Melendez, Bugs Bunny, Cartoons, Chuck Jones, Garfield, Graphic Films, Martha Sigall, Mel Blanc, MGM, Snoopy, Tex Avery, The Peanuts, The Pink Panther, Tom and Jerry, Warner Bros.
Last year, I was lucky enough to meet Martha Sigall, the 96-year-young former inker and painter who worked in what some consider the golden age of cartoonmaking in Hollywood. You name it, she worked on it, over the past eighty years. I had the opportunity to sit in on a Q&A with her, and then […]
Superman RETURNS!
Posted: 23rd November 2011 by J. Marcus in Toy ReviewTags: Action Figure, Christopher Reeve, DC Comics, Hot Toys, John Williams, Review, Sideshow Collectibles, Superman, Toys, Warner Bros.
Before I write a single word more, I have to apologize. I did not have my good camera to record this event, so the images contained from here on out are from my phone. Better images WILL come soon. When I say that Superman has RETURNED (all caps), I mean the one and only Christopher […]